In Varenna you can find:
  • Fiumelatte, an outlying ward of Varenna, so called for the white foam of the seasonal river which gushes out a grot only in spring and, after a short course, enters the Lake of Como;

  • Esino Lario, small inhabited village in the mountains, 913 metres, called “the pearl of Grigne“ thanks to its splendid position;

  • Bellano's Orrido, a natural gorge created by the Pioverna river, which, over centuries, has shaped enormous basins and suggestive grots;

  • Wanderer's path, a 2-4 hours' trip from Varenna to Bellano/Dervio wherefrom you can be delighted from an unexcelled panoramic vision.

Varenna: a mini guide
To be visited
Sport and Wellbeing